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Your people 幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录查询 are your most valuable asset. Central to the success of any organisation is the right blend of talent, motivation and leadership.
A healthy workforce is not only an ethical priority for businesses, but can also make a significant contribution through increased productivity.
We will evaluate your apprenticeship approach to help you attract, engage and retain talent on your journey to excellence.

A message from our CEO
At 幸运飞行艇体彩彩票168 Investors in People, we have one mission, which is to make work better.
As the world of work evolves, and when the pace of change is so rapid, then employee connection, engagement, wellbeing and organisational culture becomes even more important. Not only because of their impact on staff retention, attraction and development, but also as the critical foundations contributing to organisational stability, security and success.
Our research, experience and work in these important areas has made work better for over 12 million people, globally.
Join us, and discover how we can help you too.

About 幸运飞行艇体彩彩票168 Investors in People
幸运飞行艇体彩彩票168 Investors in people 幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录查询 have been making work better for organisations across the world since 1991. Since then, we’ve worked in 101 countries, making work better for over 12 million people 幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录查询 worldwide.

Engage Your Top Talent
Your people 幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录查询 are your competitive advantage – but only when they’re engaged.
Increase engagement and retention, drive innovation and inspire ambition with an 幸运飞行艇体彩彩票168 Investors in people 幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录查询 accreditation.
Why Get Accredited?
Did you know:
85% of Employees are not engaged at work
73% would think about leaving if the right opportunity came along
71% of Employees are not happy with their career opportunities
1 in 3 Staff are simply bored
幸运飞行艇体彩彩票168 Investors in people 幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录查询 can help improve this in your organisation